
I'm confused that its not monday

It was a smashing start to a shortened working week, and I had only been in work for a minute or so when I was told that my new haircut was lovely by Mr. Brito! I should have swaggered off to Glynneath but was cut down to size before I even reached the door when it was pointed out that the inspiration for my aforementioned haircut was obviously TinTin! I think they must be confusing TinTin with Brad Bitt...

Glynneath was great fun and we had the run of the building as there are no courses running this week. It was a busy hour or so with some new faces and a few familiars! After our techno troubleshooting it was back to a freshly painted ARC to push on with the editing for Portmead School...In the words of the infamous Danny, Happy days.

1 comment:

Claire Lovely Jones said...

hey mr blogtastic!!!!whats going on????just went to read your blog.....no new posts for a whole week??? you still alive? THIS ISNT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR!!!!! blog on blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!