
Please hold the line

Claire's motor was struggling this morning so I called to pick her up and then hit the road to Glynneath. After a lovely cup of Fairtrade tea I was functioning at about 35% and was working up to full speed steadily (I should be there by about 4 o'clock Friday at this rate!).

After meeting the Horticultural society it was up the mountain to the delightful DOVE workshop to meet with a lovely lady from Seven Sisters. Val was hoping we could give her some help with digital video and converting old VHS tapes. As it happened, she is nearly more knowledgeable about technology than I am (not that that would take long, ha!) and I'm going to have to step up and get researching to be able to help with some of her technical queries.

I foud myself bombarded in Banwen by phonecalls from all directions. I was chatting to Deb on my mobile when I was informed that Eric had tracked me down on the centre phone (which was spooky as no-one really knew I was going to be there - I think Eric may have access to MI5 technology), so I had to cut short one call for another, I'm going to have a word with Anthony about utilising some of our underspend on a personal assistant to deal with my admin and calls!

By this point it was fast approaching 3pm and neither Claire or myself had had lunch, and by the time we made it back to the ARC Joanne had already closed the kitchen, so I indulged in a mars bar to avoid a blood sugar crash...(chocolate probably accounts for a third of my daily intake of food!).

We capped the day off with some video editing for the Portmead school film project, which I'm sure I'll be posting about over the next week...

But I had a treat when arrived home and checked my e-mails, my friend Cameron had sent me a message! He wasn't very well but was being well looked after and watching cartoons so I hope he's recovered (well, enough to feel better but still have a day off school...)

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