
I could sleep for days

Monday Monday, I'm still half asleep, and given the chance I'd skip it next week...although that would mean missing our pop in session at DOVE which was good fun again today. I think we're in for a treat with some of the people we'll be working with over the next few months! After a busy hour or two it was off to Swansea to grab some lunch before heading further west to communities first to play with their shiny new macbook!

We we're hoping to set up a blog for the youth group who are working with the team down in the ABC building but Blogger was bloomin well on the blink! However, the girls enjoyed playing with the new computer and reviewing some of the footage the filmed down in the botanical gardens. I'm not sure if the mobility scooters available there were designed for 'tokyo drift' style racing, but they certainly did the job!

Then it was back down the M4 for some printing before hometime!

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