
Game on at Glynneath

We had only been in the training centre 10 minutes and we were in trouble for taking tea off limits! eek! Claire was busy working some Powerpoint magic with Graham the gardening entrepreneur and I sunk my teeth into hunting down sheet music for a Scottish ditty.

After a few hours of techno troubleshooting it was time for the main event, cakes! No, sorry, I mean a chance to meet people and enlighten them to the different qualities of the DCN. I think we managed to recruit a few digital story converts, but that could just be the cake talking... Here is Claire chilling with her friend Howard, and look who's popping up on the screen!

Post confectionery binge found the DCN team back at the ARC and alone with the exciting prospect of editing the Portmead concert. Now, don't get me wrong, the play was excellent, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, I even had fun the second night, but the 14th viewing doesn't really hold the same appeal. Luckily though Cameron popped in and I got to sneak outside for a quick game of tag with him and his dad whist the footage was downloading!

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