
That friday feeling

I got off to a sleepy start, but they do say that old age doesn't come alone and I was feeling every one of my 25 years as I navigated the A465 to Glynneath. After a productive meeting with the horticultural society I headed back down the road to visit the 'authors two', creators of the old news blog. These pioneering pensioners have dived headfirst into technology and are progressing at a rate of knots! So for all you 'technophobes' out there, next time you say that you can't use a computer or a mobile phone, there are two chaps in Cwmgwrach who'll be happy to show you how wrong you are! After we'd knocked out a draft version of the next update for their blog it was time for me to head back to Blaenymaes (well, Portmead technically, it just didn't sound as catchy! I'm a sucker for alliteration).

After a lovely lunch (see, I did it again) I hassled Miss Watkins into creating a blog, but I felt a little redundant as she was two steps ahead of my finely tuned tuition (they just keep coming). So check out 'The days of an admin officer' as Lisa takes us through the daily trials and tribulations she faces on the front line in the Arc.

Then, as a treat after work, my wife and I went for a walk in Parc Le breos with our dog Elvis. We were enjoying the tranquility of the area and letting the stress of the week fall away when Elvis decided to play with a large group of cows who were enjoying their dinner, and as you can imagine they were less than impressed. It was
only yesterday I was being chased by a flock of hens with bad attitudes and now I found myself back in the firing line, except this time they were really big, and had horns! Luckily, after a short chase they must have decided that it was just too much effort for a Friday evening.

We managed to avoid anymore hostile encounters with the animal kingdom, but we did see a remarkably large beetle on our travels, and Elvis managed to snap one of her claws! It was sticking out at a horrible angle and was covered in blood but she seemed unfazed by her injury, cleaned her paw up and carried on chasing her ball...

We start our drop-in sessions in the centres next week, so its going to be hectic from here on in,
which reminds me, we should post some details of these new sessions on our website...I'm going to leave it there before I think of any more work to add to the list!