
Welcome to Royston Vasey

Hello hello, (one for each of my readers - ha!) I hope this update finds you feeling fine and dandy? Its the end of a long week (well, no longer than any other week, same amount of days but you know what I mean) but its been productive and hopefully our 'pop in 4 help' sessions are going to follow in the footsteps of the now (in)famous PC Surgeries and take off.

We started the day in the wild west, or Ammanford as its sometimes known. Friday is market day which I think doubles up with 'take an eccentric relative to town day'. We saw some absolutely zany characters whilst we were there, but that's enough about the staff (only joking Karen!). Seriously though, it was a really fun morning and Karen was working like crazy to promote our session and it certainly paid off, it looks like we could be very busy over the next few
months...Oh, and here's a pic of Claire in our room down in AVE Ammanford.

On the way back to the cars we had to negotiate right through the heart of the market, and let me tell you it took a hefty amount of self restraint to stop myself walking away with a few choice purchases, for example the multicoloured 'Trinidad' baseball caps, the fleece blankets with fuzzy pictures of dolphins on them and a twin cassette version of 'Now 23'! I also overheard the mobile butcher ordering his dinner from the burger van (probably because he was shouting his order form 100 yards away!), and the fact that he shouted ' I want a hot dog not a burger right, NOT A BURGER, I don't want a burger!' seemed to imply that the burgers may not be up to much (or he just really doesn't like burgers).

Having resisted temptation (even from the stall that was selling assorted multivitamins along with AA batteries and dog food) it was time to race over to Cwmgwrach to catch up with the 'Authors too'. Its always a great laugh working with the 'Old news' creators and they never cease to amaze with the progress they are making and the enthusiasm they bring to the challenges they encounter in cyberspace!

Then it was a mad dash back to the ARC for a Digital Community Network meeting, though we were one soldier down as Deb's cancelled operation on her toe had been 'uncancelled'! (You can read a bit about Deb's morning over on Claire's blog.) Although it was only under a local anesthetic, and I'm sure Bobby wouldn't have let us off a meeting just because we couldn't feel our legs! Only kidding, get well soon Debbie! Well its getting late now, so I'll treat you to another sunset picture to keep you going, enjoy your weekend!

P.S. Make sure you check out Lisa's blog, I've been in stitches! Good job Miss Watkins..