
28 mins until monday

I hope this finds you all refreshed after your weekend. I am convinced that time actually speeds up from 4:30pm on Friday until 7:00am Monday when it returns to normal! Now I'm sure you are all out of your minds due to the lack of an update on Saturday, so breathe easy because here it comes...

Saturday was spent doing washing (clothes, I wash me everyday, not just the weekends...) and then we went back to Parc Le Breos for another walk. We managed to completely avoid animal attacks this time which was nice, but I did bump into an old friend on the way back!

Pretty weird huh? What are the odds of seeing the same beetle two days in a row in a huge park? I know that those of the more cynical persuasion will say that it is obviously a different beetle, but it was him, deep down inside I know this to be true.

As for Sunday, this mostly consisted of eating lunch in Llanelli with my mum and gran, more washing, dog walking (only over the elba, no exciting pics for you) and preparing for the week ahead. I will be attempting to collect rss feeds from all our dcn affiliated blogs and creating a webpage where they can all live together, and when this is achieved I will have officially made the transition to supernerd, I'm excited to say the least! Seacrest out.