
bigfoot hits Japan

We were booked in to start a digital story with local celebrity Steven Docherty this morning, and he was so keen to get 'digitally engaged' he turned up a whole hour early! Steve has got some fantastic stories to tell so I think the challenge for him is going to be picking just one to focus on, stay tuned for more details...

During the story circle activity Claire got so immersed in her tale of hijinks on the high seas that I thought we were going to lose her to the murky depths of the ocean, but she was pulled back from the brink along with her near drowned victim! I had opted for a slightly more surreal route with my story, all I'll say is that it involved Simon Cowell and the man with the largest feet in Japan... (I was dropped as a baby).

After a delicious meal from the fancy new menu at Cafe ARC (although my panini looked suspiciously similar to a squashed baguette), we joined our hardworking computer consultants for PCSurgery.

I'm not sure if Claire was wearing a special perfume that attracts computer enthusiasts but within the space of an hour she'd been wooed with smutty jokes by one smooth operator AND asked on a date by another cheeky chappy!

The volunteers had their hands full with customers but still managed to start a blog and learn to use the camcorder, so keep your eyes peeled for the first video tutorial for computer maintenance.

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