
Corsa Crisis and Bloggers at Banwen

Today was our first 'pop in 4 help' session at the DOVE workshop, but before I even saw the sign for the M4 I was stopped in my tracks by a phonecall from Claire. Having enjoyed a weekend away in the 'big smoke' (thats London for those of you not down with street lingo) she had returned home only to find that her beloved 'Little Betty' (her silver vauxhall corsa) wouldn't start! After a quick brainstorming session in a layby just outside Blaenymaes, the decision was reached that I would check in at the ARC, then pick up some jump leads and do my best impression of a mechanic.

After nearly electrocuting both Claire and myself, we managed to create a controlled explosion leading to combustion and a running engine, just call me minty!(One for all you Eastenders fans out there.)

So, with a running engine and a newly aquired skill in jumpstarting cars I left Claire in the hafod to haggle over the cost of a replacement battery and made my way to the rarefied air of Banwen. I had (as always) a lovely time and have booked Leslie and Sue (and I'm still holding out for Julie) in for a blogging lesson next Monday. By this time next week we should all be able to keep up with whats going on with DOVE and the community garden project, and hopefully a lot more, so stay tuned for more details on that...

After that I trundled back to Blaenymaes for a spot of lunch, followed by a run in with a mean tom-cat who has been picking on the ARC's adopted cat. Lisa and I tried to chase him off before there was a feline felony but both cats disappeared, but I'm sure they will have managed to resolve their differences by now.

After dealing with the animal crisis it was back to work. Nicky returned from his travels and he, Debbie and I had a meeting outside Deb's office (I felt like I was in the IBM advert where they all meet standing up to save time). With a lot of positive ideas and enthusiasm bouncing around the corridors we knuckled down to finishing up for the day. I didn't manage to get any exciting photographs to share with you today but tomorrow I'm off to Glynneath in the morning which is as good a place as any to encounter bizarre scenarios... Nos da.