
'Stop calling your arms guns!'

Just a brief post to keep you both updated with my weekend shenanigans. It all started so well, I was up bright and early on Saturday and after dropping Kerry off at the library I set about bagging up the mountain of soil thats been sitting on my driveway for months (oops!) After some hard graft and thanks to my formidable 'guns' I had filled 10 rubble sacks and was all set to go and fly tip them (only kidding!), but as I was washing my newly purchased spade I noticed that the water wasn't flowing down the drain, but rather it was filling up. Upon closer inspection I discovered that our drain was blocked, and our link to the sewer. . .That was not cool, in any way. I took a picture but I have decided to save you the trauma I have suffered this weekend and we will leave this story there.

So, drainage aside I spent my weekend walking with my wife, Elvis our dog and Maddy (Kerry's mum's dog) and on our travels we saw pigs (in the middle of the woods, they were huge and awesome), pheasants (which always makes me think of 'Danny the champion of the world') and cows running around like lunatics, pretty exciting stuff huh? I also went for lunch with my gran and my mum, my brother was supposed to be there but he didn't wake up in time - lunch was at 1pm! Then Sunday evening I had a phonecall from my friend Gwyn who lives on a farm in North Wales, to tell me that his band have been approached by a record label! You should head over and check out 'the mephs' and leave them a message - http://www.myspace.com/themephs Here is a candid shot of me chatting away on our girly pink phone.

In fact all this music talk has got me thinking, I always take ages to update my blog, not because the writing is carefully crafted and the words deftly worked until perfect, but because I have to plan the soundtrack for my blogging, so I will post a link to what I'm listening to when I write my updates, although I doubt that many (if any) of you will share my musical preferences! But saying that, I have been spinning some mellower tunes of late. Lets kick things off with my current favourite 'Dave House', especially 'old girl'. Be warned, I think he uses the odd blue word for those of you that are easily offended. Happy listening, nos da!