
'This town is coming like a ghost town'

I found myself whistling along to the Specials this morning when I arrived in an eerily quiet Glynneath Training Centre, but the piece and quiet was shattered by an exubarent Michael, who was busy preparing for the open day tomorrow.

After shifting a few tables around Mike dashed off up the mountain to DOVE and I prepared myself for a people-less pop in...But before I even managed to unpack my laptop a customer appeared and I spent the next half hour helping Mrs.Davies create a digital slideshow of her recent pilgrimage to Paris and Twickenham to watch the kings of 'Parent Rock' Genesis.
Then it was dilemmas with digital cameras and meetings with Malcolm where I managed to agree to a load of work thats going to give my timesheets a panic attack. Maybe I'll delegate it, if only I had some one to delegate it too...

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