
Listen to more Dave House

Once again its approaching midnight and I'm delaying the onset of sleep with a post for the blogosphere and all who sail in it. I have been slightly under par this week and if i'm really honest I was struggling this afternoon but just when I thought the hamster in my head had given up on the wheel my friend Cameron came in and cheered me up no end. He had come straight from school where they had been treated to a 'Pirates and Princesses' fancy dress day! He had chosen to dress as a pirate (which I think was a wise choice, kids can be so cruel...) and it was a wicked costume!

I am hoping that Anthony will share my enthusiasm for the high seas and introduce a pirate themed fancy dress day in the ARC, maybe even make it a regular thing. Now I know that some of my more sophisticated readers are probably scoffing at the thought of fancy dress in the workplace, but before you write off the idea just give the possibilities some consideration. Imagine how much more fun work could be if once a month your boss came in dressed as a hobbit! Or that grumpy bloke from the office who talks in spreadsheets was still grumpy but in a scooby doo outfit?

Now I know that on occasion some managers from various workplaces stumble across this humble blog, so here is a golden opportunity to pioneer a revolution in your workplace! I think the whole environment would have a little lift and we'd break down some of the 'us and them' issues that we all encounter. stupidity equals unity! Maybe I will just start coming in dressed up and hope it catches on...

P.S. I'm listening to mr Dave House and you could do a lot worse than treat your ears to some of the same!

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