
Back to reality

Monday was a blur of activity with meetings left right and centre. The afternoon meant a trip down to the wild west (Ammanford) with the communities first team there, to discuss a project for the summer. That seems to be well on its way (Ha! famous last words) and on my way back to the car I met an awesome little chap who goes by the name of Patch! I managed to get him to stay still for almost a whole 5 seconds in order to immortalize our meeting in photographic form...

Tuesday we were joined by Roger, who is a long standing PCSurgery volunteer and is currently gaining some work experience with us and the technicians. We were up in Glynneath first thing where we caught up with one half of the elusive 'Bloggers too' before heading up the mountain to see Lesley in DOVE Workshop. The rest of the day was mostly planning (with a sprinkle of lunch thrown into the mix...) and the odd practical joke!

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