
busy busy busy

Since we geeked out and discovered how to sync up the blackberries with our Google calendars it seems like every minute of my life is accounted for...However, I did manage to find time to congratulate Lisa on passing her test! And being the considerate chap that I am I volunteered to test her reactions (without her knowing) and jumped out in front of her car as she was leaving the other day...

We have spent the last 2 days up in sunny Tairgwaith with a group of teenagers helping them to create a blog for their businesses. Won't be long before the links are up, I just have to do a quick check for any 'muckmouths' before I post them here...


Back to reality

Monday was a blur of activity with meetings left right and centre. The afternoon meant a trip down to the wild west (Ammanford) with the communities first team there, to discuss a project for the summer. That seems to be well on its way (Ha! famous last words) and on my way back to the car I met an awesome little chap who goes by the name of Patch! I managed to get him to stay still for almost a whole 5 seconds in order to immortalize our meeting in photographic form...

Tuesday we were joined by Roger, who is a long standing PCSurgery volunteer and is currently gaining some work experience with us and the technicians. We were up in Glynneath first thing where we caught up with one half of the elusive 'Bloggers too' before heading up the mountain to see Lesley in DOVE Workshop. The rest of the day was mostly planning (with a sprinkle of lunch thrown into the mix...) and the odd practical joke!


The deathly Hallows

I've just finished the book. I think I need some time off work to recover.

I wish I wasn't a muggle

Ok, I'm over half way through the latest and final Harry Potter book. There has already been tears and laughter, I'm not sure I'm prepared for the emotional rollercoaster that lies ahead...


Roll on midnight!

I think I'm going to have to give the internet a wide berth until I've read this new book because there are already spoilers appearing online...

Time flies

Its been another hectic week in the world of digital inclusion and by 3 o'clock today I think we were all a little frazzled.I'm just about to enjoy a cup of tea and zone out for an hour before we head out in search of the new Harry potter book...


Friday 13th and fish and chips

We are upstairs in AVE Ammanford engaging left right and centre with prospective pop in people, and being entertained by Lyndsey the PCSurgery volunteer. The theme today is Fish and chips friday where the people signing up for courses are treated to lunch! I'm about to email Karen as the clock is fast approaching 12 and there isn't a whiff of fried fancies yet...


Listen to more Dave House

Once again its approaching midnight and I'm delaying the onset of sleep with a post for the blogosphere and all who sail in it. I have been slightly under par this week and if i'm really honest I was struggling this afternoon but just when I thought the hamster in my head had given up on the wheel my friend Cameron came in and cheered me up no end. He had come straight from school where they had been treated to a 'Pirates and Princesses' fancy dress day! He had chosen to dress as a pirate (which I think was a wise choice, kids can be so cruel...) and it was a wicked costume!

I am hoping that Anthony will share my enthusiasm for the high seas and introduce a pirate themed fancy dress day in the ARC, maybe even make it a regular thing. Now I know that some of my more sophisticated readers are probably scoffing at the thought of fancy dress in the workplace, but before you write off the idea just give the possibilities some consideration. Imagine how much more fun work could be if once a month your boss came in dressed as a hobbit! Or that grumpy bloke from the office who talks in spreadsheets was still grumpy but in a scooby doo outfit?

Now I know that on occasion some managers from various workplaces stumble across this humble blog, so here is a golden opportunity to pioneer a revolution in your workplace! I think the whole environment would have a little lift and we'd break down some of the 'us and them' issues that we all encounter. stupidity equals unity! Maybe I will just start coming in dressed up and hope it catches on...

P.S. I'm listening to mr Dave House and you could do a lot worse than treat your ears to some of the same!

Action at the action resource centre

Its 3 minutes past the witching hour and I'm sitting in my house wasting my last few atoms of energy blogging about the fact that I'm worn out! I had a busy morning in our pop in session at the Arc with some familiar faces dropping by with a new gadget to play with. After plugging in and firing it up I spent an hour or so scanning in a wealth of amazing old family pictures belonging to one of our regulars, and Cyril brought up an amazing piece of wartime history that he acquired whilst posted in Egypt in 1947!

Then it was off to Camera club where we were stood up by the kids, and then as everyone else was heading home a gang of us from the ARC made our way through the rush hour traffic to a scout hall in Brynmill for a child protection course. The course would have been fine had it not been for the fact that we were all knackered after work and the scout hall was in excess of 30degrees centigrade inside! Sunny Tairgwaith tomorrow


'This town is coming like a ghost town'

I found myself whistling along to the Specials this morning when I arrived in an eerily quiet Glynneath Training Centre, but the piece and quiet was shattered by an exubarent Michael, who was busy preparing for the open day tomorrow.

After shifting a few tables around Mike dashed off up the mountain to DOVE and I prepared myself for a people-less pop in...But before I even managed to unpack my laptop a customer appeared and I spent the next half hour helping Mrs.Davies create a digital slideshow of her recent pilgrimage to Paris and Twickenham to watch the kings of 'Parent Rock' Genesis.
Then it was dilemmas with digital cameras and meetings with Malcolm where I managed to agree to a load of work thats going to give my timesheets a panic attack. Maybe I'll delegate it, if only I had some one to delegate it too...


Buffets, Banwen and beyond the DCN

Today found the Digital Community Network partners all brought together in sunny Banwen for a strategic meeting regarding our plans for world domination....(just like ol' pinky and the brain!)

Well, actually it was to discuss the future of the project and how we can improve the service that we currently provide but it all amounts to the same end result...ha!

A lot was discussed and ideas were thrown about the table before we were treated to a lunch that resembled what I would imagine Julius Caeser was accustomed to, so top marks to the hard working staff at Cafe Sarn Helen. Stay tuned for details of the masterplan. . .


Blackberry blogging

Thanks to Mr.Grey and his exceptional negotiating skills I am able to post this from my shiny new smartphone!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


All's quiet on the glynneath front

I will have to make this a very quick post as I am using a computer that I am guessing by the speed of it is powered by hamsters. Its being unusually quiet here this morning but we've had our friends from the horticultural society in to keep us on our toes!

If the rain manages to hold off this afternoon we'll be back up the A465 to get the Resolven youths working on their documentary, but by the look of the skies they'll be busy building an arc and rounding up animals...