
Back on the blog

It was pop in at the DOVE workshop in the morning, but I was flying solo as Claire was in the first meeting (of 4) with our funders. However, I needn't have worried as Jeannette was to join me there. After an hour or so of digital video lessons I was introduced to 3 students who have travelled all the way from the Appalachian State University. I got a little bit too excited and bombarded them with a heap of random questions about their homeland, and emparted as much useless information about the UK as I could fit into a half hour. Then it was off to Ammanford for meeting number 2, before heading all the way back to Banwen (my carbon footprint has grown a ful 3 sizes in one day) where I met up with the 'Flowerpots' and slowly watched my remaining slivers of sanity peel away as the hyperactive gardeners frazzled my brain!

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