
My Kingdom for a blackberry

I feel that my blog is suffering as a direct consequence of not having a nifty internet capable phone...


I'm still going

Tuesday - Glynneath was fit to burst this morning and I think between myself and Claire we managed to cover the full spectrum of technology troubles and squeeze a monitoring visit in too! The afternoon was spent catching up on admin (snoozeville!) and inspecting second lieutenant Grey's ongoing improvements to the ARC!

Monday - We had our DCN meeting in the morning which was very kindly hosted by Lesley and Julie in the DOVE Workshop. It was a productive meeting (you can always tell because you seem to leave with 20 new meetings to attend as a result of it) and we'll be spending some time developing exit strategies...

Friday - After popping in to AVE Ammanford and discussing the pro's and cons of laptops with Albert we started working on Karen's digital story, and I think we may all see a different side to the dynamic Dowley once its finished...Keep your eyes peeled!

Then it was back to Swansea for a special screening of Portmead's anniversary concert in the school itself! If I'm being brutally honest I really wasn't bursting with excitement with the prospect of watching the play for the 47th time, but the addition of everyone in the juniors made it an absolute hoot!

Following the movie, it was down the road to the ARC for a meeting with Mr. Brito before hometime!


With wednesday comes the rain

I returned recharged after a day off to the ARC where our pop in session saw us covering a whole range of digital dilemmas, I was busy juggling JPEGS with Cyril whilst Claire was seeking solutions for Catherine's safari snaps, and then I was cracking codes with Simon to help him pimp his myspace profile page - stay tuned for the link and then add him up as a friend.

monday monday

Its all systems go in the DOVE this morning and we kept our pedals to the metal for the full 2.5hours, with our friends from Appalachia, Onllwyn and Seven Sisters, its an international pop in! Then it was back for a shotgun meeting with Mr. Brito at the ARC which meant it was a case of eating my lunch whilst travelling westbound on the m4! It does wonders for my digestive system...We had fun in the afternoon down in the ABC with the communities first team helping them to edit their video footage (and playing on their shiny apple macs!), but we need to get the on the case with their blog, they're even more infrequent than me!

Speaking of which, I should be back on the wagon from here on in with regular updates...


Fridays in the wild west

Ammanford market failed to provide me with any top bargains, I hope they step up their game soon or I'll have to start frequenting car boot sales to fill my 'unique gifts' requirements. Everyone was a tad frazzled today and it was all we could do to get through the day...a Good recharging of the batteries over the weekend was definitely in order!

I wish I could upgrade my memory this easily


I make a tentative start on a digital story with a view to getting our teeth into it properly next week, and finished off some editing for Portmead's play before dashing back to the Arc to order some extra memory for Mrs. Hadwens Laptop, as it can't keep up with her thirst for knowledge for all things digital!

I think you should get a second opinion Deb!


Pop in at the Arc was fun, starting to work on a transcontinental digital story! Exciting stuff I know. Debbie also unveiled her plasterless foot which was certainly an eye-opener!



It was my turn to attend the meetings this morning whilst Claire held down the fort in Glynneath. I was treated to a cracking cup of coffee courtesy of the lovely Lesley before kicking off with the serious business. It was all ticking along nicely when I noticed that an outsider had infiltrated the perimeter and was hiding under the table, but luckily Chris (all the way from Virginia, USA) escorted our visitor out!


Back on the blog

It was pop in at the DOVE workshop in the morning, but I was flying solo as Claire was in the first meeting (of 4) with our funders. However, I needn't have worried as Jeannette was to join me there. After an hour or so of digital video lessons I was introduced to 3 students who have travelled all the way from the Appalachian State University. I got a little bit too excited and bombarded them with a heap of random questions about their homeland, and emparted as much useless information about the UK as I could fit into a half hour. Then it was off to Ammanford for meeting number 2, before heading all the way back to Banwen (my carbon footprint has grown a ful 3 sizes in one day) where I met up with the 'Flowerpots' and slowly watched my remaining slivers of sanity peel away as the hyperactive gardeners frazzled my brain!