
Banwen have skipped autumn

Mae hi'n oer iawn! Its blinkin' freezing up here in sunny Banwen but lunchtime is approaching so a nice cup of tea should help with the whole internal central heating...


Tuesdays and Tairgwaith

Its gloomy outside as storm clouds draw in but the weather hasn't affected the mood here up the mountain...We met a lovely lady and offered some advice regarding purchasing a new digital camera.After making sense of megapixels and downplaying digital zoom she left happy but probably bamboozled!
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Poor mother nature

We're back on the road in work with a whole lotta travelling across South Wales coming up...I need to plant a few trees to compensate for my ever increasing carbon footprint...


the return of the rain

Today we immersed ourselves in creating some resources to help people to use blogs, before roadtesting the finished articles up in Brynamman with an extremely enthused Peri from 'mess up the mess'. The weather is poor and I have a horrible feeling that we have skipped the autumn and are just going to dive on into winter from now...but I'm not worried as my swanky DCN jacket and hoody arrived today. If anyone needs any promotional merchandise made I can reccomend the firm we used, I'll post up a link once I'm sure of the name. Top service, and a rapid turnaround, only 7 weeks if you use their express delivery service! This does cost a little bit extra but if you can't stretch to the express service and you order today you should still probably receive some of your order within 52 weeks I would imagine...



I have been attacked by an RNA Virus and am feeling poorly and sorry for myself...here is a picture of the wee blighters that are ravaging my immune system as I type.


My life in calendars

Today we wrote down all the things that will keep me busy in work and out of trouble until Christmas...Its weird seeing your life mapped out for you, day by day for what seems like an eternity.


washed up weekends and sleepless sundays

I think I need a couple of days rest after the weekend. I'm feeling my age these days (its kind of squishy...ha!sorry, I digress) but I haven't been partying hard, heck I haven't even partied. I think my great Aunt has run me ragged. only 7 & 1/2hrs til I'm up and off for work again, I think its going to be a monday brought to you by the ingredient caffiene (that one is for all the sesame street viewers out there in cyberspace).


befuddled brains before lunch

Another day, another mindmap! I feel like a philosopher with all this thinking going on. I've reached the conclusion that funding (or more to the point, funding applications), although completely necessary, are a remedy for brain befuddling and should be avoided whenever possible.


Richard of York gave battle in vain.

Today has mostly been brightly coloured mind maps (brainstorming is no longer PC). I have also consumed my bodyweight in tea and coffee, I hope my kidneys are forgiving in later life...