
London calling

Anyone a fan of the clash?I'm posting this whilst I'm waiting for kerry's dad in the nation's capital.its tricky business though,as I have to keep one step ahead of the legions of jumped up jobsworths issuing tickets. Perhaps if they didn't charge a pound for every 15 minutes they wouldn't have to keep chasing me...

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ps. I found me a banksy by the river thames, unfortunately the block was too heavy to bring home for ebaying so I will remain poor for now.


down in the ditch

I just had to help a lady rescue her campervan from the ditch she had reversed it into down the gower!

tuesday toodlings

I trust you all had a bonza bank holiday, if you ask me people in banks are overworked and should have more than just the 4 odd days a year off...We were messing up the mess in Brynamman today and setting the world to rights en route.


blogging blues

I'm neglecting the old blog of late, but to compensate to blogger we have set up 50 bazillion new blogs with community groups recently, so google won't be mad for long. I'll try my best to make more of an effort here as I know you all hang on my every word...ha!


Do you know your rss from your elbow?

check out this nifty website here, and bring yourselves up to speed with the whole web 2.0 jargon everyone is throwing around these days. Stuff like this will make sure you appear really 'fresh' and 'phat' in the eyes of the younger generation, you will seem well 'down wiv da yoof' innit?!
This is the funniest thing I've seen this year...